Jundiaí: intelligent, connected and sustainable
place in Brazil in the ranking of smarter and more connected cities
Municipalities between 100,000 and 500,000 inhabitants
Source: Connected Smart Cities, 2022
In 2021, Jundiaí adopted a new incubation model, based on the transformation of public spaces and public interest into innovation clusters.
These sites for the development of new technologies, coworking and incubation of technology-based startups and R&D, form an Innovation Ecosystem that is part of the Jundiaí Smart City Program.
Among these spaces, within the Campus Jundiaí program, in addition to the Espaço Jundiaí Empreendedora, are the Social Solidarity Fund, the Municipal Palace, the Faculty of Medicine, TVTEC, the Nicolino de Lucca Sports Complex (known as “Bolão”), the Argos Complex, the Higher School of Physical Education (ESEF), the Fepasa Complex and the DAE.
The city is one of the first in Brazil to have a modern municipal legislation in this area, which allows the municipal administration to create and support effective actions to foster and strengthen its ecosystem of entrepreneurship and innovation.
With clear rules, the city becomes increasingly intelligent and connected and develops in a sustainable way.